Archive for the ‘Cyber Space’ Category

When to thank Money God and Kitchen God ?

December 21, 2007

The date to thank the Money God is on January 22, 2008 noon time

The date to thank the Kitchen God day is on January 31, 2008 noon time.

You use sticky cakes and candy to offer the Kitchen God.  This is to bring good health and good luck.  The Kitchen God would say some good words to the Gods in heaven.  It sounds very suppositious, but it does work.

I have been brought up by my father with scientific thinking with the use of Feng Shui.  I have also got to know some Thai monk, Tibert nonk and Chinese monks who taught me spiritual side of life.  I do not dismiss their beliefs.  It is something that we need to explore why it works rather than dismiss it.

I am sharing this knowledge with you.  I hope I have given you some help.  Please give me feed back to my web site  I give free feng shui tips at my web site

Kwai Lan

Feng Shui Tips for 2008 and Tai Shui energy

December 6, 2007

It is a Golden opportunity for the Rat people.  If you know how to do the Feng Shui in your house, the people who was born in the year of Earth Rat and live in a house with certain direction would have a chance to attract and  receive a fortune.


Here are the tips for 2008.  Some people suffer from Tai Shui, such as the people who were born in the year of the Rat, Horse, Rabbit and Rooster.  Monkey is a friend of a Rat.  Sometimes the allied also get affected by the energy of Tai Shui.  The Tai Shui energy for Monkey is not so harsh.  However, the people who suffer from Tai Shui still need to be careful on the road, please do not rush around.  Please do not have any plastic surgery.  This would include Lasik surgery.  See what has happened to Donda West.  She died after the plastic surgery.  Tai Shui energy has influenced her health.


There is 5 Yellow and Shui Po in the south.  Five Yellow and Shui Po create sickness energy in the south.  The sickness energy also affects northwest corner of your home.  You may place Wu Lu, the Chinese ancient medicine bottle.  Please see this Wu Lu from my web site  if you do not know what that is.  Please also sign up my web site and I will show you the things that you need to do. 

The gossip energy has gone to the west.  You need to dissolve this by putting something red there, because the energy of gossip creates conflicts with others.  This could create conflict for husband and wife too.  This could include being bullied situation.  If you have children especially a young daughter, you need to be careful.  This energy would cause issues to the young female.  This was what happens to the 13 year old Magon, who killed herself because of Cyber Bully.  This young female could also be your room mate.  There are so many methods that we can do to dissolve the energy.  I do give free Feng Shui tips and you can also get Feng Shui secrets CD for free how to make use of Feng Shui to enhance life, this could help when people have low self esteem.  People who have low esteem would need a lot of help.  We can make use of Feng Shui to negate the negative energy getting to your home.  You can get the Feng Shui information how to negate negative energy from my web site

The prosperity energy is in east and southeast, so you can energize the energy in these two areas by using motion of water.  Please be careful with certain areas that you must not use water.  It could attract negative energy.  I have provided all the information in my eBook for 38 years of tips.  There are other methods you can use.  My eBook shows you step by step do it yourself feng shui, which is available from web site


The energy changes every year, so I have given you 38 years of good luck tips.  Can you afford not to spend $1 a year, which is less than the cost of a cup of Starbuck coffee.  The good luck that may have saved you and your family from hardship.  2008 means easy to find money chi in chinese.  2008 also means completion for Xian Kong.  Please do not let the easy money year pass you by…  You need to get the feng shui done as soon as possible if you want success in life.  You need to get the chi when it is budding.

 Please stay tune for more Feng Shui tips for 2008. 

Kwai Lan (Free Feng Shui Tips to tune up your energy and mind) (Free Feng Shui Secrets CD) (Hold the key to open the Feng Shui secrets to change your life) 


Cyber Space Horror and Feng Shui

November 29, 2007

Did you hear about a young girl, Megan who took her own life because of Cyber Space Bully ?

It was a pity that the parents did not call a Feng Shui expert for help.  Feng Shui could at least make the young girl feel in harmony in her own home.  She could have been put in a place where it is too yin.  A bedroom which contains too much yin could make her feel depressed.

It all depends on the girl’s birth chart too.  The room must not be clashing with her own chart. There are so many reasons why she had low self esteem.  An expert would be able to detect the reason why.  This is how Feng Shui can be sued to fix the energy.

If you are a parent and see your children being bullied, please do not feel despair.  If you need help in this area, please email me  Please do not let the bully go on.  You need to get some help.  We can negate the energy from the negative influence.

You may buy my 38 years of Feng Shui tips at

I give free Feng Shui tips at

Kwai Lan