Posts Tagged ‘changeable’

Is depression man made ? Please do not panic. You can turn this around !!!

October 1, 2008


The world seems to be at the rock bottom.  If a big country can be in up side down state, can you imagine what the people in the third world countries would be like. 


Please do not panic.   There is always opportunity on the horizon.  We are in Period 8.  The ancient people had discovered 8 chi as the most prosperous chi. 


Let us take a look what the number 8 stands for.  8 is made up of two zeros.  It is from nothing to make something.  8 means wealth chi in Feng Shui.  It is from nothing that we can have wealth.


Period 8 chi  is in the ghost gate area.  Please do not be scare with the words “ghost gate”.  It means the energy is uncertain.  It is a changeable area.  The energy is in the area that the chi is unstable.  The ancient people called this a Ghost Gate.


There will be more disasters to come yet till the chi of Period 8 is over in 2017.  Please pull yourself together; you need the strength to help others.  You cannot fall to pieces because the stock market dropped to over 700 points and the well known banks collapse.  It is only money.  What we need to help people is their health and family lives.  Please make use of your talents to help other people now.


There are a lot of people suffer worst in other countries.  We need you to have strength to be more valuable to help others.  I have a number of students asking me to teach Feng Shui classes.  Yes, I will do this.  At the moment, there are people needing my help.  I am teaching the people who have suffered from financial loses to find money, so they can provide a roof over a wife and 3 young kids.


Period 8 chi has a way to make people to have financial cleansing.  People are in the cleansing mode and I helped them to top up their financial situation right now.


If you are in the up side down mode, please come and join us.  We are changing our thinking regardless what the news has been telling us.  We are following Napoleon Hills’ principles to make us stronger and focus on the positive things to better ourselves. 


Sure enough, we all make money.  It is miracle in this economic down turn that we can still make money.  If you are interested what we are doing, please drop us an email


Kwai Lan (free CD) (free feng shui tips) (eBook with 38 years of tips)