Posts Tagged ‘feng shui clients’

Feng Shui Tips and Secrets for 2009

March 29, 2009

I have been busy in finding out what my feng shui clients are doing to make sure they do not get affected by the economy. The biggest secret is in the mind and beleif. This year 2009 is the year of the OX. It is a very good year to change your luck, you cannot afford to waste your time to sit on the fence.

I have been involved with a lot of restaurant chains who want to open their new restaurants. I have also been involved in producing a movie for the mind, which is in completion soon. I did not realize it takes a lot of time in producing a movie. We need to update it as the time changes.

This urges me to let you know that the feng shui chi affects us in a day to day and yearly basis. Your thought process changes too when the chi cycle changes. I get involved in helping others in crises. My thought process gets affected from time to time. I myself need to reboot to change my mind set to stay positive.

My tips here for you guys are that please check your thoughts and your surrounding to make sure you are not surrounded by things or people that create your negative thinking. This would affect your energy on the outlook in life. it would also change your attitude when you allow it to be in that negative mode for too long.

I have learned a lot of skills from my father how to change the inner beleif and attitude with the use of feng shui. We have such a powerful inner resource, we should make use of it. I used this technique in the past to make my 10 impossible dreams came true. I am not getting any younger, I think it is now is the time to share this secret with you. I know some of you probably need some of the secrets to propel you to the next level.

I have been living in different countries and feel the energy for the past years. It has given me a lot of insight for this experience. My father was right, the secrets are in the experience not in the books. You will never find the secrets from the books. My father gave me the feng shui journals from my ancestors talking about their feng shui experiences. It is really facinating to know how certain things can affect us in certain way. When I combine my experience and my great grand fathers’ experiences together, it is really powerful. I would like to share with my students, because we can help to change this world economy when we do this together.

I will be running a class on this subject to shift the inner energy with feng shui. My class will run in May 22, 2009.
The class is called “Feng Shui Luck”.  You may email me for more details.  Please put on the subject line “Feng Shui Luck”
