Posts Tagged ‘magical feng shui’

Feng Shui June Classes

May 20, 2008

Feng Shui Class For Beginners  $299

This is a class for people who do not know anything about feng shui at all or you get to know feng shui through reading books. 


June 9, Monday at 5 pm – 5.50 pm for 6 weeks.



Land Form Feng Shui Class – For beginners $299

This class is for people who have not come to my classes before.


June 9, Monday at 6 pm – 6.50 pm for 6 weeks



Feng Shui Class For Beginners – Master Status On Line $399

This class requires Feng Shui knowledge.  Reading books alone do not count, because most of the feng shui books are wrong. 


June 13, 2008   5  pm – 5.50 pm



Please note : All the students who have attended mentioned that although this class is called beginner, it is more advanced than any master classes.  This is to give you some ideas if you have gone to the right class.


Land Form Feng Shui Class    Master Status On Line  $499

This class requires some Feng Shui background.   This class is for people who have gone through Imperial Feng Shui classes.


June 13, 2008  6 pm – 6.50 pm



Please click on this link to see details of the classes:


 Please register early to avoid disappointment.


The dead line for making the payment is May 30, 2008.  Please pay accordingly to the requested class. For payment via credit card or Paypal plus  4% for processing fee.


You may pay via a credit card through this web site




You may pay via PayPal.  Please add 4 % for PayPal processing fee if you pay.

via PayPal 


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Feng Shui For The Face $599

July 21, 2008  Monday  6 pm – 7 pm

4 weeks


Do you know your luck is reflected from your face ?


Master Kwai Lan who can tell how lucky you are by a glance of your face.  This was how she has helped an ordinary person become a well known actor and won awards just by helping him by the look at his face.


Master Kwai Lan can take a look at you and know what is going on in your life.  This is the power of knowledge.  Your eyes, the color and health of your skin tell many stories about your health, luck and fortunes.  .


Master Kwai Lan would tell you what is going on with your life and help you fix the issues on your face.  Your face is your bill board for success.  You need to pay attention of how people look at you. 


  1. Do people give you a second glace ? 
  2. Do they look at you and forget about you a few minutes later ? 
  3. Do you want an unforgettable face ?
  4. Do you want to know what is going on to a person by looking at the face ?


Master Kwai Lan will help you and show you how you can have good luck by fixing your without the pain of plastic surgery.  In understanding face reading would help you find a reliable business partner.  This would also help some people who want to find a suitable love partner.


Most people judge people and things by the book cover.  You have only one chance to make thing happen.  This class will show you how to get the most benefits for your life through your face.  It would help you understand why some people cannot find a partner.  Master Kwai Lan will show you of how you can become a winner of what you do…



Feng Shui Classes for June 2008


There have been so many students asking Master Kwai Lan to run classes.  She has not been teaching lately, because she has been busy in helping people to turn their lives around due to the current economic climate, there are so many people who are suffering with their finance, marriage and health in need of feng shui help.


Master Kwai Lan will tell you more how you can turn your life around even in this challenging time.  What she has been involved in may interest you and help you move on off with your life with the art of feng shui.


Her clients have been creating wealth after the Feng Shui was done on their houses.  Her Feng Shui clients have been making $500,000 within 4 months.  Master Kwai Lan is very excited about the news and she is now helping more clients to achieve similar results.  She has a number of students who have become millionaires in a short time.


Master Kwai Lan stressed that in order to have a quantum leap in your life, you would need to follow her instructions to the letter.  Most of the students and clients who have become successful were the ones who took action and followed her instructions.  Your destiny plays an important part.  However, if you are determined to succeed, you can get there even when your destiny is not perfect.


Master Kwai Lan is not just teaching you about feng shui, she will show you how you can create wealth even in this depressed economy.


Please contact us if you have any question



2008 Feng shui : Is it a good idea to sleep naked ?

May 18, 2008

Is it a good idea to sleep naked ?


My mother always told me to put something nice even when we go to sleep.  It is just in case if we need to leave the houer in a hury.


My parents generation have experienced war and some of us have never experienced war.  However, please bear in mind that we have freaky weather.  You will never know when you need to run out the house without warning.


We are in the era of Period 8 that causes a lot of destruction to the world.  You need to believe it to experience it.  I live in California.  As you know we are in the earthquake zone.  I noticed from a distant that I can see a small tornado on the 405 freeway.  My friend told me that her roof got blown away in Palm Spring by the small tornado.  When I was on my way to visit my freind in Sedona, my car got pushed by a line of small twisters.  The energy was already there before I realized the small twisters were around me.  Energy is invisible, so you have no warning.

I often told people to make sure they have water in their hand bags and carry a sweater in the car.  This is to make sure that we can be self sufficient in time of crises. 


Financial crises, many people think that it only happens in US.  I have friends and family have told me that they have started to feel the financial influence from US in the strong country.  You think this is bad, you need to hear the people in the third world.


We are in the lucky place on earth, please do not let the negative things control your life.  Please pull together with a team of people and create positive outcomes.  A small group of us are trying to make the changes.  We discovered a money making machine.  We are working hard to make the world go round.  We need to turn this economy around.  If you are interested, please let us know and we will help you change your life.


A group of us have the knowledge in finance and marketing.  I have the knowledge in feng shui.  We are making the changes, but we do need to have someone who is committed to make the changes.  Is this you ?  Please let us know.


I give feng shui consultations and feng shui classes. Most of my students discovered that I do not just provide feng shui classes or feng shui consultation, destiny reading and Yi Ching, I provide their wealth formula that works.  I helped people to see things that they have never been able to see before.  This is why my clients have become millionaires and successful.   If you are interested, please email me


Kwai Lan (free CD) (free feng shui tips) (eBook with 38 years of tips)




2008 Feng shui :Love and Life that Get In The Way Your Focus

May 18, 2008

When the negative of life gets in the way of life, what should we do ?

All of my clients have these issues.  They would not call me if they are happy.   Their life got disrupted by negative side of life.

I went to do audit to one of my clients in San Francisco.  The next day after the consultation, I found roses in my hotel room delivered to me by my client.  She thanked me for the things I said to her that had inspired her.  One of my real estate class mates, Linda asked me if she could come along to watch me work, because she has never seen me in action before.  Linda has never seen the way that I did feng shui before.  She thought feng shui was just moving furniture around.  She was so surprised that I could tell my clients what was wrong with her life rather than she told me about it. 

There is tell tale signs in a home.  A skilful feng shui master can tell a lot about a person by looking at the chart of a home and the way the house is laid out.  My house is laid out perfectly where the sickness energy is in the toilet area.  Some people finance energy of their home is in the finance area. 

My client is in fact very successful.  She did not know it.  When Linda and I went to her house, we could see success.  The trouble is that her neighborhood is affecting her.  Please do not under estimate your neighborhood.  Your neighbor would have 70 % influence to the energy inside the house.  My client was lucky to have found me to fix the feng shui of her house.  Without fixing the feng shui energy of her house, she could easily lose the money.  This is what has happened to most of the people out there.  They did not know how to protect themselves.  They were successful and ended up losing it all of what they have built up.

 My client appreciated and inspired by my stories.  I went through life in different ways where I had a lot of obstacles. We all have to face life challenges even we can predict things.  However, we can minimize hardship with feng shui but we cannot avoid the things that spell out in the destiny. 

Destiny is fixed.  This is why I always take a look at the destiny chart of my clients.  Although we cannot avoid the things that are coming at us, we can avoid it.  It is just like a road map.  If we can detect a traffic jam, would you have the advantage to get a detour to use another route ?  Off course we do.  God gives us the knowledge to design our life plan.  We just need to get guidance from someone who is specialized in it.  It would take a lot of time for anyone to learn what I know, because I have studied Feng Shui, Yi Ching and Chinese Astrology since I was 4.

My client was losing control for what is going on around her.  I told her that we all face these obstacles, just do not allow it to knock out focus.  We need to focus on the positive side of life.  It is not easy when things around us are collapsing.  It would take a small group of people to turn this around.  If you read this, please turn your life around with small step at a time.  Please help others to recover from their financial situation.  It is all in the mind of fear.  We need to turn the feng shui of people’s mind. 

As a feng shui practitioner, I get the negative side of life all the time.  People told me they need help.  They would tell me all of their problems.  This is why it heals me when I hear success of my clients.  If you are my clients reading this and have successes after my consultations, please let me know and let the world know that feng shui works.  This way my life work is fulfilled and this will encourage the people in the world to make use of feng shui to turn the economy around.

Period 8 energy has the tendency to cause people and the weather upside down.  This will continue to have this impact for another 9 years right up to 2017.  Can you imagine if we focus on the negative side of life ?  We will never achieve anything if things keep popping up that knock us off our focus.  We need to focus on the cash flow to survive better.  Cash flow makes the world go round.  When people have cash flow, they spend money to boost the economy.  Period 8 is good for wealth if you focus on it. 

Period 8 is about cleansing.  Just take a look at the infinity symbol of the 8, it is two zeros combine into the 8 signs.  It means cleansing.  Please start again to create that wealth if you are in situation that life has forced you in the upside down situation.  Do you get it ?  8 means money and wealth.  Someone is making money while you focus on the negative side of life. 

We need to inspire others and ourselves.  It happens to all of the people because it is global economy that gets hit.  People around us become emotional.  They no longer can afford things to have the money to spend.  This affects people with their emotion.  I noticed that there are a lot of people splitting up with their relationship also.  Some are getting divorce.  Money plays the part in a relationship.  People just give up.  They should work together in a time of crises.  Please keep the eyes on the ball and do not lose sight of it.  What I mean is that please do not loose sight of your dream.

I do provide consultations and classes. Most of my students discovered that I do not just provide feng shui classes or feng shui consultation, destiny reading and Yi Ching, I provide their wealth formula that work.  I helped people to see things that they have never been able to see before.  This is why my clients have become millionaires and successful.   If you are interested, please email me
 (free CD) (free feng shui tips) (eBook with 38 years of tips)










2008 Feng Shui and Winning Chi

March 28, 2008

How Feng Shui can work for you ?

I have just received two good news from my clients that I would like to share with you how feng shui works:

March news 2008

Feng Shui Success story one

One of my clients runs a music studio in Hollywood.  My clients told me yesterday that the people who used the studio have won 15 Grammy Awards this year.  This has never happened before since the company opened for business.  The awards alone will cover one of the whole walls.  I will take picture to show guys later.

My client thanked me for the feng shui that I have done for her last year and this year.  

Feng Shui Success story two

One of my clients followed my instruction has won a lot of money in the casino.  Someone in her family tried to follow her, this relative of her won also.  Then her brother tried to copy her and he did not win.  The instructions I gave her was customized for her only.

Please note most of the instruction I do is customized for one individual.  This year is a good year for unexpected money.  There is magic in feng shui.  Although it is not magic, it is really happening.  However, all my clients think that Feng Shui is magical and miracle.  It is a lucky year, guys.  Please do not waste it.  It does not happen by itself, you do need feng shui to make it happen.

Kwai Lan