Posts Tagged ‘pain free’

The Chi Is Changing Before Christmas Day

November 30, 2007

When everybody celebrate Chinese New Year, my family celebrate the change of chi.  I used to wonder why my parents had an extra day for celebration.  I did not mind it, because we had extra good food and presents as children.

It was only when I grow up I realize that it is really important to remember the change of chi, because I continue to celebrate the change of chi.  It is a good way to get your children to remember by having a celebration day.

It is important in Feng Shui stand point according to my father who had received the lineage of Feng Shui secrets from the ancient masters.  Things need to be done before the chi changes.  It is now the time to clear the clutter.

I know everyone is busy with Christmas shopping.  It is actually a good time to see what you have got in the cupboards and tidy up to welcome the new year.  You will feel better for it. 

I reflect on my life last month and found out I did not do much this year as time flies so fast, so I began to take care of things to make the mark for this year.  Now I can say that I have done something major for 2007.  I have done most of my health check this year.  It is time to make some changes for a better health.

Health is the most important asset we have, we need to take care of it so we can live a life without pain and giving burden to others.  I will start to make big plan for next year.  There is so much to do and little time.  If we do not write things down, things could slip our mind without us knowing it and before long it is the end of the year again…

Time seems to go faster these days dispite with all of the technology to help us save time.  What has happened ?  Do you feel the same like me ?  We need to keep our body healthy to live another 100 years.  It is possible to have longevity and pain free life.  Let’s get healthy.  Think positively, eat well and sleep well…

I drink Goji juice every day to keep me healthy and looking young.  If you are interested to find out what Goji is, here is the web site to go to  I will tell you more about Goji in the next article.  It is an amazing juice.

I give free Feng Shui tips at my web site For consultation on Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology, please email me  My eBooks, Parenting and Feng Shui, Cracking The Feng Shui Code 101, Why Not Marry A Millionaire : Be One Yourself are available for purchase, please email me for a copy.

Kwai Lan